I design and facilitate participatory workshops and presentations focusing on personal fulfillment, self-care, and best life practices. Past clients include Services Now for Adult Persons (SNAP),Queens Public Library and New York City Public Schools.
Journaling 101: The Art of Journaling

Curate Your Caregiver's Toolbox

Stepping Into Authorhood

Author Talk

Journaling Through Caregiving
Journaling Through Caregiving fosters self-awareness, coping skills, and self-care practices to ease caregiving life. Caregivers are empowered and strengthened through expressive writing and shared exchanges.

The Art of Journaling

Small Goals Big Results
This workshop provides an opportunity for participants to think about and pursue a fun and doable goal. This 2-or-3 session workshop provides a forum to pursue their goal with gentle accountability. Workshop discussions focus on participant updates, mindfulness, stumbling blocks and goal completion.

If you would like me to design and facilitate a creative participatory workshop for your group or organization, please contact me.